This Shows an Ethiopian Family. The Kids May Drink, Because Even Though the Drinking Age

Afghanistan Not applicable.
Sale is prohibited. Non applicative.
Sale is prohibited. Not applicable.
Auction is prohibited. Albania [none found] [none found] [none found] Algeria [none found] Not applicable.
Advertisements are not permitted. [none found] Principality of andorra [none constitute] [none found] [none found] Angola Executive prescript nº 124/06
Labels of alcohol beverages must incorporate ane of the messages:
"To exist consumed with moderation."
"Forbidden for auction for nether xviii years of age." Law No. 9/17 Fine art 22.3
Advertisements must include a message about the need to consume alcohol in moderation or about its potential risks for public health. [none constitute] Antigua and Barbuda West Indies Rum & Spirits Producers' Clan (WIRSPA) members announced inclusion of pictogram warnings on legal purchase historic period and avoiding drinking during pregnancy or if driving in 2019 with a two-year implementation window West Indies Rum & Spirits Producers' Association (WIRSPA),Code of Practice for Responsible Advertising & Marketing of Spirit Drinks (2019)
A responsible drinking message should exist carried on all advertising: traditional and digital, including brand websites, and print point of auction materials. The content and size of the message is to be determined past the individual company. [none found] Argentina ​National Law 24.788 to combat alcoholism, Art 5
Decree 149/2009 Approving regulation of Police 24.788 Annex Commodity 5

Labels of all booze beverages (those of 0.5% ABV or to a higher place) must include in prominent writing and in a visible identify… the following warnings:
"Drink in moderation"
"Sale prohibited to minors below 18"National Found of Viticulture, Resolution 26/2022 Annex
Labels of vino products must include, in a visible place and contrasting colors, a pictogram of a circle with crossed out silhouette of a pregnant adult female of minimum size 6mm
Argentina_HWLPregnancy.JPG ​National Constabulary 24.788 to combat alcoholism Fine art six
Decree 149/2009 Approval regulation of Constabulary 24.788 Addendum Article half-dozen
All advertisement of alcohol beverages in mass communications media must include the warnings:
"Drink in moderation"
"Sale prohibited to minors below 18
Prescript 149/2009 Approving regulation of Law 24.788 Annex Article 1
All licensed premises must exhibit, in legible font size, the warning:
"Auction prohibited to minors below xviii - National Police force to Gainsay Alcoholism Nº 24.788". Armenia Eurasian Economic Wedlock Technical Regulation TR-EAEU 047/2018 "On the safety of booze beverages" planned entry into force on 1 January 2022, but Russian Federation has proposed delay to i January 2024 (check status):Beverages of 0.v% ABV or college must bear a warning message "Excessive consumption of alcohol is harmful to your health" in capital messages in a easily readable font size in contrasting colour and takes up at to the lowest degree 10% of the label, and include the bulletin: "Booze use is not recommended for persons under the age of 18, pregnant and lactating women, as well as persons with diseases of the nervous organization and internal organs." [none plant] [none found] Commonwealth of australia Food Standards in Commonwealth of australia and New Zealand (FSANZ), Pregnancy warning labels for packaged alcoholic beverages Downloadable labels (July 2020)
Beverages of of greater than 1.15%ABV must include a pictogram and text "PREGNANCY Alarm: Booze can crusade lifelong harm to your babe"
[none establish] [none constitute] Republic of austria [none institute] [none establish] [none plant] Republic of azerbaijan [none constitute] Law on Advertising 2015 Commodity 27
Advertizement of alcohol beverages of higher up 5%ABV should be accompanied by a warning that excessive use is harmful to health. This notice must be at least 10% of the advertising expanse. [none found] Bahamas [none found] [none establish] [none found] Bahrain Not applicable.
Auction is prohibited. Not applicative.
Sale is prohibited. Non applicative.
Sale is prohibited. People's republic of bangladesh Not applicable.
Sale is prohibited except to holders of a permit from the Department of Narcotics Control; Muslims may only obtain a permit for medical reasons. Not applicable.
Auction is prohibited except to holders of a allow from the Department of Narcotics Command; Muslims may only obtain a permit for medical reasons. Not applicable.
Sale is prohibited except to holders of a permit from the Department of Narcotics Control; Muslims may only obtain a permit for medical reasons. Barbados Due west Indies Rum & Spirits Producers' Association (WIRSPA), members appear inclusion of pictogram warnings on legal purchase age and fugitive drinking during pregnancy or if driving in 2019 with a two-year implementation window West Indies Rum & Spirits Producers' Association (WIRSPA),Code of Practice for Responsible Advertising & Marketing of Spirit Drinks (2019)
A responsible drinking bulletin should exist carried on all advertising: traditional and digital, including brand websites, and impress indicate of sale materials. The content and size of the bulletin is to exist determined by the individual visitor. [none establish] Belarus Eurasian Economical Union Technical Regulation TR-EAEU 047/2018 "On the rubber of alcohol beverages" planned entry into force on 1 January 2022, but Russia has proposed filibuster to 1 January 2024 (check status): Beverages of 0.5% ABV or higher must carry a warning bulletin "Excessive consumption of alcohol is harmful to your wellness" in uppercase letters in a easily readable font size in contrasting color and takes upwardly at least 10% of the characterization, and include the message: "Alcohol employ is not recommended for persons under the historic period of 18, pregnant and lactating women, as well equally persons with diseases of the nervous system and internal organs." Police on Advertising Articles 17-18
All advertizing of alcohol beverages to include a warning on the dangers of excessive consumption to accept no less than 10% of the expanse/fourth dimension of the advertisement. [none establish] Kingdom of belgium [none plant] Covenant on advertising alcohol beverages (2019)
Advertisements to include the message "Taste our know-how wisely" or "Beer brewed carefully, to exist consumed with care" depending on beverage type [none found] Belize West Indies Rum & Spirits Producers' Clan (WIRSPA) members announced inclusion of pictogram warnings on legal purchase age and fugitive drinking during pregnancy or if driving in 2019 with a two-year implementation window West Indies Rum & Spirits Producers' Association (WIRSPA),Code of Practice for Responsible Advertising & Marketing of Spirit Drinks (2019)
A responsible drinking message should be carried on all advertising: traditional and digital, including make websites, and print point of sale materials. The content and size of the bulletin is to exist determined past the private company. [none found] Benin [none found] [none establish] [none found] Kingdom of bhutan [none found] Not applicable.
Advertizing is non permitted. [none plant] Bolivia Law 259 of 2012 on Control of Sale and Consumption of Alcohol Beverages Art 9
Labels of all alcohol beverages must include the post-obit warnings occupying no less than 10% of the label on the product container, in legible upper-case letter letters that contrast with the groundwork.
"Excessive consumption of alcohol is harmful to health"
"Sale prohibited to minors below 18" Law 259 of 2012 on Command of Auction and Consumption of Alcohol Beverages Art ix
Advertising for all alcohol beverages must include the following warnings in legible capital letters that dissimilarity with the background.
"Excessive consumption of alcohol is harmful to health"
"Auction prohibited to minors below 18" Law 259 of 2012 on Control of Sale and Consumption of Alcohol Beverages Art 9
Licensed bounds must place these warnings in visible places:
"Excessive consumption of booze is harmful to wellness"
"Sale prohibited to minors below 18" Bosnia and Herzegovina [none constitute] [none found] [none found] Botswana [none plant] Republic of botswana Booze Manufacture Clan (BAIA) Constitution, codes, and rules (2009)
All advertisements will carry the bulletin: "Not for sale to persons nether the age of xviii". [none found] Brazil Law N.nine.294, xv July 1996 and Prescript No. two.018 of ane Oct 1996
Beverages of 13%ABV and in a higher place: "Avert excessive alcohol consumption."National Ad Self-Regulation Council (CONAR), Brazilian Advertisement Self-Regulation Code: Labels shall reiterate that auction and consumption of the product are indicated for persons older than eighteen only. Law N.9.294, 15 July 1996
Marketing communications for beverages of 0.v%ABV or college must include a wellness alert as specified past the Ministry of Health.​National Advertisement Self-Regulation Council (CONAR), Brazilian Advertising Self-Regulation Code requires inclusion of a warning adopted by specific resolution of the CONAR Superior Council:
Drink with circumspection
Sale and consumption of alcohol beverages are prohibited to minors
This product is destined for adults
Avert excessive alcohol consumption
Practice not exaggerate consumption
The less you drink the more fun you have
If you bulldoze, do not drinkable
To serve alcohol beverage to minors beneath 18 is a crime
or similar bulletin Law N.9.294, xv July 1996
A discover must exist posted legibly and ostensibly that it is a offense to drive under the influence of alcohol, punishable by imprisonment.
Brunei Darussalam Not applicable.
Sale is prohibited. Not applicative.
Sale is prohibited. Not applicative.
Auction is prohibited. Bulgaria [none found] [none establish] [none plant] Burkina Faso [none found] [none found] [none found] Republic of burundi [none found] [none found] [none plant] Cabo Verde Constabulary No. 46/2007 Code of Advertising Fine art 19 every bit amended past Law No. 51/IX/2019 Art 46.6
Labels of all booze beverages must include messages alerting to the harms caused past consumption, in particular for minors, pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers, and that excessive, untimely or inconvenient consumption seriously harms health. Not applicable
Police force 46/2007 Code of Advertizement as amended by Constabulary No. 51/IX/2019 Art 46 prohibits advert. Police force No.27/V/97 Fine art half-dozen
All establishments that sell booze beverages must install boards in a clearly visible place that contain either of the following entries, as appropriate:
"The auction, supply, provision and / or consumption of alcoholic beverages to persons under 18 years is prohibited."
"Entry and the serving of those under 18 is prohibited."​ Cambodia [none found] Co-Regulatory Understanding between Ministry of Data and Asia Pacific International Wine and Spirits Alliance (APIWSA): Code of Responsible Alcohol Beverages Communications 2017
Requires all print, broadcast or digital communications, and where possible other forms of advice, include a voluntary responsible drinking message which is clearly legible and noticeable. [none found] Cameroon [none found] [none found] [none institute] Canada [none plant] [none found] [none constitute] Primal African Democracy [none institute] [none found] [none establish] Chad [none institute] [none found] [none found] Republic of chile (comes into effect one yr after relevant regulations are promulgated, expected in result September 2023) Law 19.925 on the Sale and Consumption of Alcohol Beverages Art xl bis
Labels of alcohol beverages of greater than 0.5%ABV must include a message on the risks and consequences of the harmful consumption of alcohol, especially for populations at risk, such as meaning women, minors and drivers. Labels must include, or accept attached, a crossed-out pictogram of a car or a meaning woman, or a number 18, surrounded by an outline, or equally required by regulation. The warnings must occupy no less than 15% of the expanse of the backside characterization. (comes into effect one year after relevant regulations are promulgated, expected in effect September 2023) Police force 19.925 on the Sale and Consumption of Booze Beverages Art forty bis
Printed advertisements must contain warnings consistent with the requirements for labels.
For audiovisual advert, a warning that complies with the provisions for labeling will exist displayed for a menses of no less than three seconds.
For radio announcements, any of the warnings indicated in the labeling provisions must be announced later on the advertisement for a period of no less than three seconds. [none found] China [none found] [none establish] [none found] Chinese Taipei Tobacco and Booze Administration Act Art 32
Regulations Governing the Labeling of Alcohol

Labels of all booze beverages must state "Excessive consumption of alcohol is harmful to health" or ane of the post-obit:
1. To exist safety, don't drink and bulldoze.
two. Excessive drinking is harmful to you and others.
three. Drinking is prohibited if under eighteen years onetime.
iv. Large quantity intake of alcohol production in a brusk period of time is lethal.
v. Other warnings approved past the central competent potency.
Warnings must be on contrasting background of font size at least 2.65 mm and be placed in a conspicuous place on the container'south largest external surface. Tobacco and Alcohol Administration Human activity Art 37
Enforcement Rules of the Tobacco and Alcohol Assistants Deed Article xi

Must include the warnings "Driving after drinking is prohibited" and "Excessive drinking endangers health"; these must appear throughout in an overlapping manner and independently occupy at least 10% of the total infinite.

Taiwan Alcohol Beverage Booze Forum (TBAF),

Marketing lawmaking of conduct for commercial communications of alcoholic beverages in Taiwan
A responsible drinking message should be included in all print, TV, Picture palace advertisement and on company and brand websites. The responsible drinking message must be clearly legible and noticeable on all the advertisements including websites. Tobacco and Booze Administration Act Art 35
Licensed premises must conspicuously display the following alarm text and images at the entrance and exit or other appropriate locations:
"Don't Potable and Bulldoze." ChineseTaipei-drinkdriveimage.JPG
"Sale of alcohol to anyone nether 18 is prohibited."
"This establishment does not sell alcohol to anyone nether 18." Colombia Ministry building of Wellness and Social Protection Decree 1686 of ix August 2012
The labels of beverages of 2.5%ABV or higher must exhibit the warnings ...
one. "Excessive use of alcohol is harmful to health". This warning must take upwards, at a minimum, a 10th of the label's area, be placed on the front, and be located at the bottom in easily readable font contrasting with the groundwork. …
2. "It is prohibited to sell exhilarant beverages to minors." Ministry building of Health and Social Protection Decree 1686 of 9 Baronial 2012
All advertising of alcohol beverages must carry the warnings:
"It is prohibited to sell intoxicating beverages to minors."
"Excessive apply of alcohol is harmful to health." [none found] Union of the comoros [none found] [none institute] [none found] Congo [none found] [none found] [none found] Congo, Democratic Republic of [none found] [none plant] [none institute] Costa Rica Decree No. 38413 of 28 Feb 2014 Resolution No 332-2013 (COMIECOLXVI) of 12 December 2013 Cardinal American Customs Wedlock Technical Regulations, Booze Beverages, Labeling Requirements (annex 1 and 2)
Labels of all beverages of college than 0.5%ABV must include a cautionary panel with the message "excessive consumption of alcohol beverages is harmful to health" or like. [none found] [none found] Ivory coast [none establish] [none found] [none plant] Croatia [none institute] [none institute] [none establish] Cuba [none institute] [none found] [none found] Cyprus [none found] [none institute] [none found] Czech Republic [none found] [none institute] [none found] Denmark [none institute] [none found] [none institute] Djibouti [none found] [none found] [none constitute] Dominica West Indies Rum & Spirits Producers' Association (WIRSPA) members announced inclusion of pictogram warnings on legal purchase age and avoiding drinking during pregnancy or if driving in 2019 with a two-year implementation window West Indies Rum & Spirits Producers' Association (WIRSPA),Code of Practice for Responsible Advert & Marketing of Spirit Drinks (2019)
A responsible drinking bulletin should be carried on all advertizement: traditional and digital, including brand websites, and print bespeak of sale materials. The content and size of the message is to be adamant past the individual company. [none found] Dominican Republic Law 42-01 Full general Health Law, Fine art 123
Labels of beer (malted beverage with of 2%-half-dozen%ABV) and alcohol beverages of vi%ABV and above should include the warning "Alcohol consumption harms health." written in hands readable font and in contrasting color.

West Indies Rum & Spirits Producers' Association (WIRSPA) members announced inclusion of pictogram warnings on legal buy age and avoiding drinking during pregnancy or if driving in 2019 with a 2-yr implementation window

Police force 42-01 General Health Law, Art 123
All advert of booze beverages must acquit the warning "Booze consumption harms health."

West Indies Rum & Spirits Producers' Association (WIRSPA),

Lawmaking of Practice for Responsible Advertising & Marketing of Spirit Drinks (2019)
A responsible drinking message should be carried on all advertising: traditional and digital, including make websites, and print bespeak of sale materials. The content and size of the message is to exist adamant by the individual company. [none found] Ecuador Decree 1314 of 2000 General Regulation for Natural Law for Consumer Protection
Warnings must exist legible, using distinguishable colors:
Beverages of above 5%ABV: "Warning: The excessive consumption of alcohol limits your capacity to operate machinery and can cause harm to your health and family. Ministry of Health of Ecuador. Auction prohibited to minors beneath 18 years old." The warning must occupy at least x% of the total surface area.
Beverages of 5%ABV and below: "Warning: The excessive consumption of alcohol tin cause harm to your health. Ministry of Wellness of Republic of ecuador." The warning must occupy at to the lowest degree 6% of the total surface surface area. Regulatory Statute for the Promotion and Advertizement of Processed Food Products of 18 February 2011
All advertizing of booze beverages must include the health warning "Warning. Excessive consumption limits your capacity to bulldoze and operate mechanism, and can cause harm to your health and family. Ministry of Health of Ecuador. Sale prohibited to minors below 18." [none institute] Egypt [none found] [none found] [none found] El salvador Decree no. 587 Constabulary Regulating the Product and Sale of Alcohol and Booze Beverages
Warnings must be legible, using distinguishable colors and occupy 10% of the total surface expanse.
"Alarm: The excessive consumption of alcohol limits your capacity to operate machinery and can cause harm to your health and family"
"The sale of this production is prohibited for those younger than eighteen years quondam" [none plant] [none found] Equatorial Guinea [none found] [none establish] [none found] Eritrea [none found] [none institute] [none institute] Estonia [none found] Advertising Act (2020 version, Estonian), Article 28
Required to include the warning ''Attending! This is an alcoholic drinkable. Alcohol may cause damage to health." and brand this alarm noticeable, understandable, and clearly identifiable from other information.
In impress advertisements, the warning must exist displayed on a white groundwork in black text and take up at least twenty% of the total advertizement space.
In broadcast advertisement, the text of the alert must be read at the same rate every bit other data; on television, the text of the warning must besides be displayed horizontally at the end of the advertisement. none found] Eswatini [none institute] [none institute] [none found] Federal democratic republic of ethiopia Nutrient and Medicine Assistants Announcement 1112/2019
Labels of alcohol beverages of greater than or equal to 0.5%ABV "prepared at a factory level and provided for public use" mus tinclude "a warning that booze consumption may cause health problems and women should not beverage alcoholic drinks during pregnancy because of the risk of nascence defect". Food and Medicine Administration Declaration 1112/2019
Advertising of booze beverages of greater than or equal to 0.5%ABV "shall contain a warning, as appropriate in writing or sound, that it is illegal to sell it to a person nether the historic period of 21." [none found] Republic of the fiji islands [none found] [none found] [none found] Republic of finland [none found] [none plant] [none found] French republic Society of 2 October 2006 on implementation of Police 2005-102 Public Health Lawmaking Article L. 3322-two
Labels of beverages of to a higher place one.2%ABV must include either the text "Consumption of alcohol beverages during pregnancy, fifty-fifty in small amounts, can have serious consequences for the kid'due south health." or a pictogram to that event.

The health alarm must appear in the same visual field equally the obligatory alcohol content indication. Health Lawmaking Part III Title II Chapter III
Advertisements of alcohol beverages must include a warning that alcohol corruption is harmful to health.

Co-regulatory Commitment charter on responsible retailing of alocohol (2019) by the Interministerial Mission for Combating Drugs and Addictive Behaviors (MILDECA), Federation of Commerce and Distribition (FCD) andLes Mousquetaires
Must include a logo saying "Under 18, don't buy"

[none found] Gabonese republic [none establish] [none institute] [none found] Gambia [none found] [none constitute] [none found] Georgia [none establish] [none constitute] [none found] Germany Youth Protection Act
Labels of sweetened alcohol beverages (alcopops) of betwixt 1.2%ABV and ten%ABV must display the following warning in the same typeface, size, and colour as the brand or merchandise name or, where there is neither, as the product designation:
"Auction is prohibited to persons under eighteen under § 9 of the Youth Protection Act" [none institute] [none found] Ghana [none found] Food and Drugs Authority (FDA), Guidelines for Advertisement of Prepackaged Foods (2016)
All tv set, social media, and point of sale advertising must carry these health warnings, in text or expressed by conventional symbols at the lesser of the advertisement in font not less than 30% of the biggest font size:
a) 'Drink Responsibly'
b) 'Non for sale to persons under 18 years of historic period' and
c) 'Not recommended for pregnant women'. [none plant] Greece [none found] Communication Control Quango (CCC), Greek Code of Advertising Addendum: Advertising of alcoholic beverages (2012)
Any commercial advice must include the message 'Enjoy responsibly' [none found] Grenada Westward Indies Rum & Spirits Producers' Clan (WIRSPA) members announced inclusion of pictogram warnings on legal purchase age and avoiding drinking during pregnancy or if driving in 2019 with a two-year implementation window Due west Indies Rum & Spirits Producers' Clan (WIRSPA),Code of Practice for Responsible Advertising & Marketing of Spirit Drinks (2019)
A responsible drinking message should be carried on all ad: traditional and digital, including brand websites, and impress point of sale materials. The content and size of the bulletin is to be adamant by the individual company. [none found] Guatemala Decree No. fifty-2000 (Reforms to the Health Code, Decree No. 90-97 of The Congress of the Commonwealth)
Labels of all alcohol beverages with of 0.5%ABV or higher must include the message: "Excessive consumption of this product is harmful to consumer health". Accord No. 127-2002 (Rules on Advertising and the Consumption of Alcoholic Beverages, Wines, Beers and Fermented Beverages) and Accord No. 49-2003
Advertisers shall include at the first of the advertisement the message "The excessive consumption of this product is harmful to the wellness of the consumer" and at the end "The consumption of this product causes serious impairment to your health". [none found] Guinea-Bisseau [none establish] [none found] [none institute] Guyana Westward Indies Rum & Spirits Producers' Association (WIRSPA) members announced inclusion of pictogram warnings on legal purchase historic period and avoiding drinking during pregnancy or if driving in 2019 with a two-year implementation window West Indies Rum & Spirits Producers' Association (WIRSPA),Code of Practice for Responsible Advert & Marketing of Spirit Drinks (2019)
A responsible drinking message should be carried on all advertising: traditional and digital, including brand websites, and print point of auction materials. The content and size of the message is to be determined by the individual visitor. [none establish] Haiti W Indies Rum & Spirits Producers' Association (WIRSPA) members announced inclusion of pictogram warnings on legal purchase historic period and fugitive drinking during pregnancy or if driving in 2019 with a ii-twelvemonth implementation window Westward Indies Rum & Spirits Producers' Association (WIRSPA),Code of Practice for Responsible Advertizing & Marketing of Spirit Drinks (2019)
A responsible drinking message should be carried on all advert: traditional and digital, including brand websites, and print indicate of sale materials. The content and size of the message is to be determined by the individual company. [none found] Honduras Honduran Institute for the Prevention of Alcoholism and Drug Habit (IHADFA), Accordance 03-95 Special Regulation on Alcohol Advertising, Tobacco Products and Other Drugs
Labels of all booze beverages must include "Warning: Corruption of the drinkable harms your wellness. IHADFA" [none found] [none establish] Hungary [none found] [none found] [none found] Iceland [none constitute] [none found] [none institute] India The sale of booze beverages is prohibited in Bihar, Gujarat, Manipur, Nagaland, and Lakshadweep.

Nutrient Rubber and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI):
Food Safe and Standards (Alcoholic Beverages) Regulations 2018 ​
Food Safety and Standards (Alcoholic Beverages First Subpoena) Regulations 2020
Labels of all beverages of greater than 0.5%ABV shall include the following warning in not less than 3mm size for packs of to a higher place 200mL and i.5mm for packs of up to 200mL: "Consumption of alcohol is injurious to wellness. Exist rubber – don't drinkable and drive". The warning must be in English or in the official state or regional language.
Labels of wines must include a non-vegetarian logo if processing aids of animal origin were used.

[varies by jurisdiction]
Marketing communications are non permitted on several media.
The sale of alcohol beverages is prohibited in Bihar, Gujarat, Manipur, Nagaland, and Lakshadweep.
[varies by jurisdiction]
The auction of alcohol beverages is prohibited in Bihar, Gujarat, Manipur, Nagaland, and Lakshadweep. Republic of indonesia Sale is no permitted in the provinces of Aceh and Papua.Ministry of Trade Regulation 15/G-DAG/Per/3/2006
Labels of alcohol beverages must country "Alcohol beverage" and bear the warning "Those nether age 21 and significant women should not drink" in Indonesian. Not applicable.
Advertisements are non permitted.
Sale is no permitted in the provinces of Aceh and Papua. Sale is no permitted in the provinces of Aceh and Papua.
[none found] Iran, Islamic Republic of Non applicable.
Auction is prohibited. Not applicable.
Sale is prohibited. Non applicable.
Sale is prohibited. Iraq [none establish] [none constitute] [none found] Republic of ireland Public Health (Booze) Act 2018
The Minister of Health is empowered to prescribe the content of warnings on the danger of alcohol consumption, the danger of alcohol consumption when pregnant, the direct link betwixt alcohol and fatal cancers, and details of a government website providing public health information in relation to alcohol consumption. Public Health (Alcohol) Act 2018
The Minister of Wellness is empowered to prescribe the content of warnings on the danger of alcohol consumption, the danger of alcohol consumption when pregnant, the straight link between alcohol and fatal cancers, and details of a government website providing public health information in relation to alcohol consumption. [none constitute] Israel Regulations limiting the advertising and marketing of alcohol beverages (Health Alert) xxx July 2013
Labels of beverages of up to 15.v%ABV must include "Alarm: Contains alcohol - information technology is recommended to refrain from excessive consumption".
Labels of beverages of xv.5%ABV and higher must include "Alarm: Excessive consumption of alcohol is life threatening and is detrimental to health!" Regulations limiting the advertizing and marketing of alcohol beverages (Health Warning) xxx July 2013
Advertisements of beverages of upwards to 15.v%ABV must include "Warning: Contains alcohol - it is recommended to refrain from excessive consumption".
Advertisements of beverages of 15.5%ABV and college must include "Warning: Excessive consumption of alcohol is life threatening and is detrimental to health!" [none found] Italy [none establish] [none found] [none found] Jamaica Due west Indies Rum & Spirits Producers' Association (WIRSPA) members appear inclusion of pictogram warnings on legal purchase age and avoiding drinking during pregnancy or if driving in 2019 with a two-year implementation window W Indies Rum & Spirits Producers' Association (WIRSPA),Code of Do for Responsible Advertising & Marketing of Spirit Drinks (2019)
A responsible drinking message should exist carried on all advertizement: traditional and digital, including brand websites, and print signal of sale materials. The content and size of the message is to be adamant by the individual company. [none plant] Japan National Taxation Agency Notification No. nine of Nov 22, 1989 Labeling standard about prevention of drinking past persons under 20 years erstwhile,
Law No. 7 of 1958 Concerning Liquor Revenue enhancement Conservation and Alcohol Beverage Unions, Art 86-6

Labels of booze beverages, unless the container is 50 mL or less in volume, must include the warning "The drinking of booze by persons nether the age of twenty is prohibited past law" in 6 point font (5.v signal font for containers of less than 360 mL volume).

Self-Regulatory Code of Advertisement Practices and Container Labeling for Alcohol Beverages (2016)
Displayed in an easy-to-read location on the container, using uniform Japanese font, at least 6 pts in size:
"Be careful non to potable in excess"
"Potable in moderation"
"Drinking alcohol during pregnancy or nursing may adversely affect the development of your fetus or kid"

Self-Regulatory Code of Ad Practices and Container Labeling for Booze Beverages (2016)
In television and radio, information technology is required to include the warning message for underage drinking ban at the end of every commercial bulletin. In television receiver, in example it is placed midway of the commercial timeframe, due attending should be paid to ensure that the alarm message is clearly visible. The alarm message may be omitted from advertisements that do non exceed several seconds. National Tax Agency Notification No. 9 of November 22, 1989 Labeling standard about prevention of drinking by persons under 20 years old
Retailers must brandish the post-obit message: "If you cannot confirm that you are over 20 years old, yous will not be sold alcohol".
Vending machines must display the message "Drinking by persons under the age of 20 is prohibited by constabulary". Jordan [none constitute] [none institute] [none found] Kazakhstan Eurasian Economic Union Technical Regulation TR-EAEU 047/2018 "On the safety of booze beverages" planned entry into strength on 1 January 2022, but Russian Federation has proposed delay to one Jan 2024 (bank check status): Beverages of 0.5% ABV or higher must behave a alert message "Excessive consumption of alcohol is harmful to your health" in capital letters in a easily readable font size in contrasting color and takes up at least 10% of the label, and include the message: "Alcohol use is non recommended for persons nether the historic period of xviii, pregnant and lactating women, also as persons with diseases of the nervous system and internal organs." Not applicable
Law on Advertising 2003 Article 13 prohibits all advertising of alcohol beverages. [none establish] Kenya Alcoholic Drinks Control Deed 2010, Fine art 32
Labels of all beverages of 0.5%ABV or college must include at to the lowest degree two of these health alert messages, on no less than xxx% of the full surface area of the packet, in English or Kiswahili, and on a rotating footing:
"Excessive alcohol consumption is harmful to your wellness";
"Excessive alcohol consumption tin cause liver cirrhosis";
"Excessive booze consumption impairs your judgment";
"Do not bulldoze or operate mechanism";
"Non for auction to persons under the historic period of 18 years". [none constitute] Alcoholic Drinks Control Act 2010, Fine art 29
Licensed premises must post, on a surface measuring non less than 12 inches by 8 inches in size, a find  to the public in English language or Kiswahili that auction or supply to persons under the age of 18 is prohibited that includes the word WARNING and is enclosed by a rectangular border. Kiribati [none found] [none found] [none constitute] Korea, Autonomous Republic of [none found] [none institute] [none found] Korea, Democracy of National Health Promotion Act
Enforcement Decree of the National Health Promotion Human action
Ministry of Health and Welfare Notice No. 2016-488 Authoritative Notice of Proposed Partial Subpoena to Notification on Phrase of Alarm confronting Smoking and Excessive Drinking, etc.

Labels of beverages of 1%ABV or college must include 1 of three warnings:
Drinking during pregnancy increases the hazard for congenital anomaly. Alcohol is [a] carcinogen, and then excessive drinking causes liver cancer, gastric adenocarcinoma and and then on.
Drinking during pregnancy, underage drinking, and excessive drinking crusade built anomaly, encephalon development disruptions and cancer, respectively.
Drinking during pregnancy increase[south] the risk for congenital anomaly, Excessive drinking cause[s] stroke, memory loss and dementia. [none found] [none establish] Kuwait Non applicable.
Auction is prohibited. Not applicable.
Sale is prohibited. Not applicative.
Auction is prohibited. Kyrgyzstan Eurasian Economical Marriage Technical Regulation TR-EAEU 047/2018 "On the safety of alcohol beverages" planned entry into force on ane January 2022, but Russia has proposed delay to 1 January 2024 (check status): Beverages of 0.5% ABV or higher must bear a alarm message "Excessive consumption of alcohol is harmful to your health" in uppercase letters in a easily readable font size in contrasting color and takes upwardly at to the lowest degree 10% of the label, and include the message: "Booze apply is not recommended for persons under the age of 18, significant and lactating women, as well as persons with diseases of the nervous system and internal organs." Law No 155 of 1998 On Advertising Article 16
Must include wellness warnings on the damage of consuming booze beverages and the prohibition to sell alcohol beverages to minors, in the same font size and occupying no less than ten% of the advertising's total size. [none found] Lao, People's Republic of [none found] [none institute] [none found] Latvia [none found] Handling of booze beverages law
All advertisements must include data on the negative effects of alcohol consumption and on the prohibition to sell to minors, occupying at least 10% of the ad, at the bottom of the advertisement with blackness letters on a white background. [none establish] Lebanese republic [none found] [none found] [none establish] Kingdom of lesotho [none found] [none found] [none plant] Republic of liberia [none found] [none constitute] [none found] Libya Not applicable.
Sale is prohibited. Not applicative.
Auction is prohibited. Not applicative.
Sale is prohibited. Liechtenstein [none found] [none constitute] [none plant] Lithuania Booze Command Law Commodity 9
Labels of distilled beverages of 1.2%ABV or higher and fermented beverages of 0.five% or higher are required to include a pictogram alarm of the potential effects of drinking alcohol during pregnancy.
Booze Control Constabulary Commodity 29(5)
Permitted outdoor advertising must be accompanied by a warning on the harmful effects of booze on health as determined past the Ministry of Health. [none found] Luxembourg [none found] [none establish] [none found] Madagascar [none found] [none institute] [none found] Malawi [none found] [none establish] [none found] Malaysia Food Regulations 1983
Nutrient (Amendment) Regulations (2016)

Labels of beverages of 2%ABV or college must include, in a non-serif font of not less than 12 pt size, the words 'MEMINUM ARAK BOLEH MEMBAHAYAKAN KESIHATAN' ('Alcohol can impairment health') Not applicable.
Communications and Multimedia Content Forum (CMCF),Communications and Multimedia Content Code (2020)
The Code is under revision in 2021, with a proposed change to let booze beverage advertisements with applicative content restrictions. [none found] Maldives Non applicable.
Sale is only permitted to foreigners in resorts. Not applicable.
Sale is only permitted to foreigners in resorts. Non applicable.
Sale is merely permitted to foreigners in resorts. Mali [none found] [none found] [none found] Malta [none found] [none found] [none plant] Marshall Islands [none found] [none found] Alcoholic Potable Command Human activity 1971 Section 111
"Every bar shall post and display a sign which shall land, in messages not less than ii inches high, in English and Marshallese, "No Person Nether 18 Years of Age Allowed". " Mauritania Not applicative.
Sale is prohibited. Non applicable.
Sale is prohibited. Non applicable.
Auction is prohibited. Republic of mauritius Regime notice No.1 of 2009 Public Health (Prohibition on Advertizing, Sponsorship and Restriction on Sale and Consumption in Public Places, of Alcoholic Drinks) Regulations 2008
All alcohol beverages shall bear a label both in English and French indicating that an excessive consumption of alcohol drinks causes serious health, social and domestic problems. Not applicable.
Advertisements are not permitted. [none found] Mexico Mexican Official Standard NOM-142-SSA1 / SCFI-2014 Alcohol beverages, Sanitary specifications, Germ-free and commercial labeling, 9.7.two
Regulation on Sanitary Command of Products and Services, Appendix

Labels of alcohol beverages of 2.0% to 55%ABV must include "The abuse of the consumption of this product is harmful to health." The alert must be in uppercase and in a contrasting color. The required size of lettering varies past drinkable ABV.
Labels of alcohol beverages of higher than half-dozen.0%ABV: Of iii pictogram warnings (against consumption by minors anile under 18 and by pregnant women and against driving under the influence of booze),

either all iii must be included simultaneously,
or a single one may exist included in which case the pictogram chosen must be changed on a rotating principle every four months.
Labels of alcohol beverages with of 2.0-6.0%ABV must brandish a modified pictogram warning against consumption by minors aged nether eighteen.
Labels of alcohol beverages of beneath ii.0%ABV must include "This product contains % of booze. Not recommended for children."
Labels may voluntarily include the statement "For more information visit the page:, where there is information on the harmful employ of booze".

General Wellness Police force Fine art 218, 308
Required to include the warning "Calumniating consumption of this product is harmful to wellness", unless the Health Secretariat waives this requirement provided that moderation is promoted and the harms to health resulting from abusive consumption of booze beverages are made known. [none found] Micronesia, Federated States of [none establish] [none found] [none found] Moldova, Republic of Constabulary 1100 of 30.06.2000 On the industry and turnover of ethyl booze and alcohol beverages
Labels of beverages of ane.5%ABV or higher must include an eighteen+ pictogram and a pictogram recommending forbearance during pregnancy.
[none found] [none constitute] Monaco [none found] [none found] [none found] Mongolia [none found] [none found] [none found] Montenegro [none found] [none found] [none found] Morocco [none institute] [none found] [none found] Mozambique Decree No 54/2013 Regulation on the control of the production, marketing and consumption of alcohol beverages
Labels of all booze beverages must contain the following phrase in upper case, hands readable letters: "Sale to and consumption by persons under 18 years of historic period is prohibited." [none constitute] Decree No 54/2013 Regulation on the control of the production, marketing and consumption of alcohol beverages
Licensed premises must display in a visible place the following bulletin in upper case, hands readable letters: "Sale to and consumption by persons under 18 years of age is prohibited." Myanmar [none establish] [none found] [none institute] Namibia [none constitute] [none found] [none found] Nauru [none found] [none institute] [none institute] Nepal [none found] Not applicable.
Advertizing is non permitted. [none found] Netherlands Labels are recommended to include a warning against drinking during pregnancy. [co-regulation, archiving awaiting] Advertizement Code Committee (RCC), Advertising Lawmaking for Alcoholic Beverages (RvA) 2014
Must include the alert "No 18, no booze", which can be accompanied with 'Always drink in moderation" or "Brewed with pride for you lot" [RVA 2014] [none institute] New Zealand Food Standards in Australia and New Zealand (FSANZ), Pregnancy alert labels for packaged alcoholic beverages Downloadable labels (July 2020)
Beverages of of greater than 1.15%ABV must include a pictogram and text "PREGNANCY Alarm: Alcohol can cause lifelong harm to your baby"
[none found] [none found] Nicaragua Official Gazette No.163 of 28 August 2014 transposing Central American Technical Regulation RTCA 67.01.05:xi Alcoholic Beverages Labeling Requirements
Labels of all beverages of college than 0.five%ABV must include a cautionary panel with the message "excessive consumption of booze beverages is harmful to wellness" or like. Decree 2187 of 1999 Regulation of Law 182 on Consumer Protection, Article 31
Any advertising of alcohol beverages must include a warning as to the dangers of their use such as "consumption of alcohol beverages is harmful to wellness". [Decree 2187 of 1999 Art 31] [none found] Niger [none found] [none found] [none found] Nigeria Spirits Regulations 2019
Wine Regulations 2019
Labels of wines and spirits must include the age restriction of 18+
[none found] [none establish] North Macedonia [none found] [none establish] [none found] Norway [none found] [none found] [none found] Sultanate of oman [none institute] [none found] [none establish] Pakistan Non applicable.
Auction is prohibited. Not applicable.
Sale is prohibited. Not applicable.
Sale is prohibited. Palau [none found] [none constitute] [none found] Panama [none found] Decree No. 299 of 1992 Regulations of advert and marketing of alcohol beverages, cigarettes and tobacco Fine art half-dozen & 10
Printed and radio ad of all alcohol beverages, and any advertising of beverages of 6%ABV or college, must exist accompanied by one of the post-obit alert messages [Decree No. 299 of 1992]:
Driving under the effects of alcohol increases the take a chance of accidents;
Do not potable and drive;
Booze can cause damage to the brain, liver, stomach and unborn child;
Alcohol tin can lead to states of violence and family disintegration;
Whatsoever other bulletin approved by the Ministry of Health. [none found] Papua New Guinea [none found] [none found] [none found] Paraguay [none establish] Law No. 1.333/98 for the Advertizement and Promotion of Tobacco and Alcohol Beverages
Advertising of beverages of 4%ABV of higher must exist accompanied by the wellness alarm "Its excessive consumption harms health. Its sale is prohibited to minors below 18. Warning by the Ministry of Public Health and Social Welfare." none found] Peru Law 28681 Regulating the Marketing, Consumption and Advertising of Alcohol Beverages 2006
Labels of all fermented and distilled beverages must contain, on an area no smaller than 10% of the packaging, in easily readable capital messages, the phrase "Excessive drinking of booze beverages is harmful." Police force 28681 Regulating the Marketing, Consumption and Advertisement of Alcohol Beverages 2006 and its regulations
Advertising of alcohol beverages must include the wellness warning "Excessive consumption of alcohol is harmful". [none found] Phillipines [none institute] [none plant] [none found] Poland [none found] Act on the Upbringing in Sobriety and Counteracting Alcoholism 1982 Art xiii.5
Alcohol advertisements on movable poles, boards, and or surfaces are not permitted unless twenty% of the area the ads will occupy visible and legible inscriptions informing about the harmfulness alcohol consumption or that sale of alcohol is prohibited to minors. [none establish] Portugal [none found] [none institute] [none found] Qatar Non applicable.
Sale is prohibited. Not applicable.
Sale is prohibited. Not applicative.
Sale is prohibited. Romania [none institute] Determination No. 220 of 2011 Audiovisual Content Regulatory Code
Broadcast advertisements for booze beverages must include the alert: "Excessive alcohol consumption seriously amercement health" [Audiovisual Regulatory Code Art. 116] [none institute] Russia Ministry of Health Decree No. 49 of 19 January 2007
Labels of wine and spirits, including vodka, must contain the message "Booze is non for children and teenagers up to age 18, significant and nursing women, or for persons with diseases of the central nervous arrangement, kidneys, liver, and other digestive organs."

Eurasian Economical Union Technical Regulation TR-EAEU 047/2018 "On the condom of alcohol beverages" planned entry into force on ane January 2022, but Russian Federation has proposed delay to ane Jan 2024 (check status): Beverages of 0.5% ABV or higher must carry a warning bulletin "Excessive consumption of alcohol is harmful to your health" in capital letters in a easily readable font size in contrasting color and takes up at least 10% of the label, and include the message: "Booze apply is not recommended for persons under the age of 18, pregnant and lactating women, equally well every bit persons with diseases of the nervous system and internal organs."

Federal Constabulary No. 38-FZ Article 21
Advertisements of alcohol products "shall exist accompanied by a alarm of the harm of its excessive consumption, each such warning existence given at least ten per cent of the advertising area (space)." [none constitute] Rwanda [none found] [none found] [none constitute] Saint Kitts and Nevis [none found] [none found] [none plant] Saint Lucia West Indies Rum & Spirits Producers' Clan (WIRSPA) members announced inclusion of pictogram warnings on legal buy age and avoiding drinking during pregnancy or if driving in 2019 with a 2-yr implementation window West Indies Rum & Spirits Producers' Clan (WIRSPA),Code of Do for Responsible Advertisement & Marketing of Spirit Drinks (2019)
A responsible drinking bulletin should exist carried on all advertisement: traditional and digital, including brand websites, and impress point of auction materials. The content and size of the message is to be adamant past the private company. [none institute] Saint Vincent and the Grenadines West Indies Rum & Spirits Producers' Association (WIRSPA) members appear inclusion of pictogram warnings on legal purchase historic period and fugitive drinking during pregnancy or if driving in 2019 with a two-year implementation window W Indies Rum & Spirits Producers' Clan (WIRSPA),Code of Practice for Responsible Advertising & Marketing of Spirit Drinks (2019)
A responsible drinking message should exist carried on all advert: traditional and digital, including brand websites, and print point of sale materials. The content and size of the message is to be determined by the individual company. [none institute] Samoa Alcohol Control Act (2020) Fine art 51 (1d)
Labels of beverages of 1.15%ABV or above must include "a health bulletin to the event that 'alcohol abuse is dangerous for health' ". [none institute] [none institute] San Marino [none establish] [none found] [none found] Sao Tome and Principe [none institute] [none constitute] [none institute] Saudi Arabia Not applicative.
Sale is prohibited. Not applicable.
Sale is prohibited. Not applicable.
Sale is prohibited. Senegal [none found] [none found] [none found] Serbia [none establish] Police force on Ad Article 49
Advertisements must include a warning message referring to the ban on the auction and serving of alcoholic beverages to children or minors and a warning most the responsible use of alcoholic beverages. The warnings may exist made via pictograms that the Minister of Merchandise is empowered to prescribe. [none found] Seychelles [none institute] [none found] [none establish] Sierra Leone [none found] [none constitute] [none found] Singapore [none found] [none constitute] [none plant] Slovakia [none found] [none found] [none found] Slovenia Deed Restricting the Use of Booze Art 6
Labels of foodstuff containing alcohol (not booze beverages) must include a alarm that they are not suitable for children, printed in capital letters that are clearly visible, readable and are a distinctly different colour from the background. Act Regulating the Sanitary Suitability of Foodstuff, Products and Materials Coming into Contact with Foodstuffs (ZZUZIS) Art fifteen
Advertisements (only permitted for beverages of 15%ABV or lower) must include the warning: "The Minister of Health warns: Consumption of booze may be harmful to your health!" Or "Government minister of Health warns: excessive drinking of alcohol harms your wellness!". Act Restricting the Use of Booze Art 11
The ban on the sale of booze beverages and the time limit for the auction of booze beverages must be published in a visible identify in all premises where alcohol beverages are sold. Solomon Islands [none institute] [none establish] [none plant] Somalia Non applicable.
Sale is prohibited. Not applicable.
Sale is prohibited. Not applicative.
Sale is prohibited. South Africa Regulations Relating to Health Letters on Container Labels of Alcoholic Beverages, 24 August 2007 for the Foodstuffs, Cosmetics and Disinfectants Act 1972
(one) Container labels for alcohol beverages must contain at least one of the [vii] health messages, which must be in black on a white background, visible, legible, and indelible and must be at least 1 eight of the total size of the container label:
"Alcohol abuse is unsafe to your health"
"Alcohol is addictive"
"Alcohol increases your adventure to personal injuries"
"Alcohol is a major cause of violence and criminal offence"
"Drinking during pregnancy can be harmful to your unborn baby"
"Don't drink and walk on the route, you may exist killed"
"Alcohol reduces driving ability, don't potable and drive" Clan for Booze Responsibility and Education (, Code of commercial communications 2020
Marketing communications must include "Not For Persons Under The Historic period Of 18". [AWARE Code fo Commercial Communications 2020] [none plant] South Sudan [verification pending] [verification pending] [none found] Spain Brewers of Espana, Code of Self-regulation of Advertising (2009)
Labels of beer beverages must include a distinctive "+xviii" symbol
BeerAds.JPG The Association for the Self-Regulation of Commercial Communications (AUTOCONTROL) applies these codes:Brewers of Kingdom of spain, Code of Self-regulation of Advertising (2009)
Beer advertisements on tv, in newspapers, magazines and on billboards must include the message that moderation is a basic premise of responsible drinking, phrased equally: "(Given brand) recommends responsible drinking", in legible font and horizontal orientation.Interprofessional Vino Organization of Spain (OIVE), Code of commercial communications on wine (2021)
Wine advertisements must include the bulletin "Wine is only enjoyed in moderation", trademarked Wine in Moderation logo below, and where possible also the targeted warnings.
OIVEAds2.JPG Castilian Federation of Spirits Beverages (FEBE), Lawmaking of Self-regulation of Advertising (2013)
Spirit beverage advertisements must include a responsible consumption the bulletin that moderation is a bones premise of responsible drinking approved past the FEBE General Assembly, for case: "Potable in moderation. That's your responsibility", placed prominently (specific requirements for minimum size apply). [none constitute] Sri Lanka [none found] [none constitute] [none found] Sudan [none institute] [none found] [none plant] Suriname West Indies Rum & Spirits Producers' Association (WIRSPA) members announced inclusion of pictogram warnings on legal purchase age and avoiding drinking during pregnancy or if driving in 2019 with a two-year implementation window West Indies Rum & Spirits Producers' Clan (WIRSPA),Code of Practice for Responsible Advertising & Marketing of Spirit Drinks (2019)
A responsible drinking message should be carried on all advertising: traditional and digital, including brand websites, and impress point of auction materials. The content and size of the bulletin is to be determined by the individual visitor. [none plant] Sweden [none found] [none found] [none establish] Switzerland [none found] [none found] [none plant] Syrian Arab Democracy [none found] [none found] [none institute] Tajikistan [none plant] Not applicable.
Advertisements are non permitted. [none found] Tanzania, United Republic of [none found] [none found] [none found] Thailand Alcohol Beverage Command Act B.E. 2551 (2008)
Warning pictures and messages for disadvantages or dangers of alcohol beverages shall be fabricated in pictures with 4 colors …, provided that each course shall be used for 1,000 containers, of size no less than 50% for foursquare and forty% for cylindrical containers of the total container:
"Liquor drinking may cause cirrhosis and sexual impotency"
"Liquor drinking may cause less consciousness and expiry"
"Liquor drinking is dangerous to wellness and causes less consciousness"
"Liquor drinking is harmful to yous and destroys your family"
"Drunk driving may cause disability or decease" [none institute] [none institute] Timor-Leste [none found] [none found] [none plant] Togo Law 2009-007 Health Code Art 91
Packaging of alcohol beverages must comport the alert "seriously damages wellness" and the ABV of the beverage. High Authorization on Audiovisual Media and Communications (HAAC), Decision 0003/HAAC/08/P of 14 April 2008 Article 12 prohibits beverages of greater than 8%ABV to be advertised on radio, television, or other media.Law 2009-007 Health Code, Articles ninety and 91
Advert of alcohol beverages must deport the warning "seriously damages health" and the ABV of the beverage. [none constitute] Tonga [none found] [none found] [none plant] Trinidad and Tobago West Indies Rum & Spirits Producers' Association (WIRSPA) members announced inclusion of pictogram warnings on legal purchase age and avoiding drinking during pregnancy or if driving in 2019 with a ii-year implementation window West Indies Rum & Spirits Producers' Association (WIRSPA),Code of Exercise for Responsible Ad & Marketing of Spirit Drinks (2019)
A responsible drinking message should be carried on all advertising: traditional and digital, including brand websites, and print point of auction materials. The content and size of the message is to be determined by the individual visitor. [none institute] Tunisia [none found] [none found] [none establish] Turkey Tobacco and Booze Regulatory Authority, Communique on alert messages to be affixed on the packaging of alcoholic beverages per Constabulary No. 6487 of 11/06/2013
Labels of all booze beverages must include the text "Alcohol is not your friend." and three pictograms: against drinking by minors aged beneath 18, against drinking by pregnant women, and against driving under the influence of alcohol.
Non applicative.
Advertisements are not permitted. Licensed premises must brandish a poster of at least A4 size, that states on a white groundwork framed by a red-colored oval: in the upper twenty-five percent of the printed area the symbol "No sale under historic period of eighteen", which consists of a graphic consisting of the phrase "18" in black and the phrase "Under AGE" written in uppercase letters under this phrase, enclosed in a cherry circle with a diagonal red bar in the middle from left to right,followed by the phrase "LEGAL DISCLAIMER: It is forbidden to sell or serve alcoholic beverages to people nether eighteen; those acting otherwise shall be field of study to legal actions." Turkmenistan Law on prevention of booze-related harm Fine art fifteen
Labels of alcohol beverages (including low-alcohol and beer-based beverages) must conduct the following warnings in contrasting color occupying no less than 20% of the label in black capital messages on a white background in bold, articulate, piece of cake to read font:
"Alcohol products are harmful to your health!"
"Alcohol products are non recommended for persons below twenty one years of age, meaning or breastfeeding women, or persons with diseases of the nervous arrangement, liver, kidneys, or other digestive organs."
If all the required content cannot fit onto the characterization, some of information technology can be provided in a leaflet attached to each consumer unit. Not applicable.
Advertisements are not permitted. [none found] Tuvalu [none plant] [none institute] [none constitute] Uganda [none institute] [none found] [none found] Ukraine [none institute] [none institute] [none found] United Arab Emirates [none constitute] Not applicable.
Advertisements are not permitted. [none found] United Kingdom The Department of Health Guidance: Communicating the UK Primary Medical Officers' depression risk drinking guidelines 2017 recommends the post-obit messages:
-The United kingdom of great britain and northern ireland Chief Medical Officers recommend adults do not regularly drink more than xiv units per calendar week.
-It is safest not to beverage alcohol when meaning, or symbol to that issue

See also Portman Group Communicating alcohol and health-related information (September 2017)  which includes pictograms against drink driving, drinking during pregnancy, and underage drinking
and the British Retail Consortium (BRC) initiative on labeling (2017)

[none institute] [none found] United States Championship 27: Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms. Part sixteen – Alcoholic Drink Health Warning Statement, § sixteen.21 Mandatory Label Data
The wellness warning statement must appear on the brand label or separate front label, or on a back or side label, separate and autonomously from all other data. It must be readily legible nether ordinary weather, and must appear on a contrasting background. Labels bearing the warning must exist firmly affixed to the container. Minimum type size is specified for containers of various sizes.
"GOVERNMENT Alarm: (1) According to the Surgeon Full general, women should not beverage alcoholic beverages during pregnancy because of the risk of birth defects. (2) Consumption of alcoholic beverages impairs your ability to bulldoze a car or operate machinery, and may cause health bug" [none establish] [varies by jurisdiction] Uruguay [none constitute] National Quango of Advertising Cocky-regulation (CONARP), Lawmaking of Advertising Ethics (2013)
Advertisements must include a responsible consumption bulletin such as "Drinkable in moderation". [none found] Uzbekistan Law 302 On restriction of Distribution and Taking of Alcohol and Tobacco Products
Ministry of Health Regulation No. 311 of 17 November 2011
Standards Bureau Society 408-three of 2016

Labels of all alcohol beverages of greater than 1.5% ABV must include the post-obit warning in text and (or) pictogram, occupying non less than 40% of the label area:
"Corruption of booze beverages leads to severe diseases of the nervous system and internal organs."
The content of the warning shall be reviewed every five years. Non applicable
Law 302 On brake of Distribution and Taking of Alcohol and Tobacco Products Article 12 prohibits marketing communications. [none found] Vanuatu [none found] [none found] [none establish] Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of [none found] [none constitute] [none found] Viet Nam [none establish] Law No.44-2019 Art 12.4
Decree 24 of 2020 Art 5.three

Advertisements of beverages of below 15%ABV must contain one of the following warnings, in writing with a color contrasting with the background color on at least 10% of the advertising infinite, or read with a reading speed equal to the speed of reading other contents in the aforementioned advertisement:
"Persons under 18 years of age are forbidden to drinkable alcohol."
"Drinking alcohol may affect fetus."
"Drinking alcohol may cause traffic accidents."Constabulary No. sixteen/2012/QH13 On Advertizement Fine art seven
Not permitted: advertisements of alcohol beverages of fifteen%ABV or college. [none found] Yemen Non applicable.
Auction is prohibited. Not applicative.
Auction is prohibited. Non applicable.
Auction is prohibited. Zambia [none institute] [none found] [none found] Zimbabwe Statutory Instrument 25 of 2001 Food and Food Standards (Alcoholic Beverages) Regulations
Labels of all alcohol beverages of 0.2%ABV or higher must carry two warnings:
"Alcohol may be hazardous to wellness if consumed to backlog, the operation of machinery or driving after the consumption of alcohol is not advisable."
"Not for auction to persons under the age of 18 years." Statutory Instrument 25 of 2001 Food and Food Standards (Alcoholic Beverages) Regulations
Advertizement of alcohol beverages of 0.2%ABV or higher must acquit two warnings, non less than 6% of the total space, in black sans serif font on white groundwork:
"Alcohol may be hazardous to health if consumed to excess, the performance of machinery or driving after the consumption of alcohol is not advisable", and
"Not for auction to persons under the age of 18 years." [none found]


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